Friday 23 May 2014

Facts to come: 80 portraits in two hours, will the x system stand up to the challange?

There are common gigs, unusual gigs and the strangest jobs and then there is this job.

I have one hour to set up and two hours to shoot 80 portraits in an old stadium. There is no time for post processing so I'll shoot jpegs straight out of the camera.  With my old Nikon gear, this would have been hazardous, but I have a feeling the fuji x-e2 and x-e1 will be the perfect cameras for the job.

So whats the plan?

  • I'll try to find a good spot where I can use natural light. It's semi outdoor and there should be places in a stadium that suits most weather conditions. I'll bring an assistant with a reflector to be able to tune things up.
  • Back-up plan if the light is horrible: One large soft box and a snoot or beauty dish. Hopefully it can stay in the car.
  • 20 minutes to find a spot with nice light that will last for 2h. 20 minutes for test shooting and fine tuning and 20 spare minutes for coffee or panic.
  • Cameras: x-e2 + x-e1. Lenses: Voigtländer 58/1.4, Nikkor 100/2.8, Meyer Görlitz Orestor 135/2.8 and a speed booster. Extra gear: Tape for a cross, face powder, sturdy tripods, cable releases.
  • Camera settings: This will be a bracketing shoot. Hopefully I can set two camera rigs up, one with exposure bracketing and one with film simulation bracketing. One longer lens with speed booster and one shorter without.
Work flow!
  1. Up to the cross
  2. Check for reflexes
  3. Apply face powder
  4. Aim reflector
  5. Smile!
  6. Shoot both cameras
  7. Quick check
  8. Back to 5 if necessary
  9. Next!
Hopefully I'm the man for the job and fujis the cameras to help me do it.
We'll see next week!

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